How To Boost Fertility: 4 Simple Tips From Experts On Getting Pregnant

People worldwide have numerous questions about understanding “How to get Pregnant?“, especially the couples who’ve been struggling to become parents. While the internet has hordes of information on this topic, the information more or less revolves around the food you eat and the lifestyle you carry but what further? How to boost fertility?
A woman’s body is much more complex than that of men, and to bring a child to life, it’s her role that is vital. Before getting into any details that the world has to offer on how to conceive or get pregnant, what we feel is the most essential & primary aspect to understanding the causes of infertility or why a woman can’t conceive. All of this starts from analyzing & knowing her body and menstrual cycle. For every woman who cannot conceive, the causes can widely differ.
Whether you’ve been trying to conceive for years or may get pregnant any day soon, it is significant to consider your fertility & hormonal health. Managing good hormonal health is crucial in getting pregnant & conceiving a baby.
We’ve highlighted a set of tips on getting pregnant below for you to ascertain various causes of infertility and ways to overcome them. However, there isn’t a word more accurate than the experts, so we always recommend speaking to a medical professional and getting expert attention in your journey of getting pregnant and doing things right.
How To Get Pregnant?
For some couples, getting pregnant is as easy as talking about it and planning, whereas it takes years of struggle for some. We are not here to scare you off but to take you through other significant tips on getting pregnant that make a real difference in your journey of conceiving.
Easy Tips To Get Pregnant

1. Observe your Menstrual Cycle
For women who want to get pregnant or conceive, observing your menstrual cycle is one of the most potent keys in the journey. As we mentioned at the start, understanding your body is vital for a triumphal fertility journey; you can make more conscious decisions when you understand your body. The menstrual cycle is an imperative indicator of hormonal health. Start by observing the first days of your periods, whether or not they occur on equal days apart; if not, start working towards ensuring your cycles are regular.
Besides tracking your cycle, note your ovulation time for favorable results as they increase the chances of conceiving. Noting down factors when there’s any irregularity in the color/quality of the blood, the number of days the cycle lasts, or an imbalance in the ratio of estrogen to progesterone levels can help you attain whether you can conceive. If there is any such imbalance observed, do visit your healthcare provider.
2. Consume foods that help in balancing hormones
No wonder what goes inside makes the most significant difference, and the importance of eating healthy food while trying to get pregnant is a no-brainer. But did you know that one can get way further in the journey of getting pregnant by consuming foods that make a real difference? Everything healthy doesn’t need to add to your fertility health. Let’s start with foods on the shelves of every regular home- cinnamon, black pepper, and turmeric.
Cinnamon includes properties that help balance blood sugar levels and improve ovulation, black pepper improves body activity, and turmeric adds anti-inflammatory benefits. Any food containing Vitamin D is excellent for improving ovulation. Foods that help balance the ratio of estrogen and progesterone like- avocados, sunflower, and pumpkin seeds are also beneficial.
Foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids help increase blood flow in the uterus, vagina & ovaries and regulate hormones. Foods like salmon and flax seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Additionally, you can never go wrong with old age food items that our nani’s and dadi’s still sworn by when serving food to pregnant women or are trying to be items like cashews, walnuts, and almonds.
3. Manage your body weight efficiently
One of the most underrated tips on getting pregnant has to be bodyweight management, and it has a significant impact on your fertility rate. Being overweight and underweight can work falsely in your journey of getting pregnant or conceiving. As per experts, increased body weight can reduce your chances of getting pregnant by two times, whereas being underweight can reduce your chances of getting pregnant four times. When you are overweight, the production of estrogen levels is pretty high, which imbalances the ratio of estrogen and progesterone levels and affects your ovulation. Hence, it is significant to maintain a Body Mass Index (BMI) that is average weight to enhance the process of getting pregnant.
4. Maintain a healthy lifestyle
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle isn’t all about your healthy food habits but a culmination of what you eat, your physical health, and your emotional/mental health. Since the last decade, there have been plenty of questions about how to boost fertility. The rate of infertility has exponentially increased, and one of the most common reasons for that has to be bad emotional/mental health.
It is essential to lead a lifestyle of complete well-being if you want to get pregnant. Factors like stress, anxiety, and inflammation are tremendous obstacles on the journey of conceiving. If you read, the most common causes that lead to non-pregnancy it has to be polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, and autoimmune disorders.
It is essential that one efficiently manages their stress levels and overall mental health & the nervous system to talk about all challenges that the journey of pregnancy has in store for you. Start with exercising, maintaining good vaginal health, ensuring a balanced sleep cycle, and inculcating activities that promote good hormonal health & help to boost fertility.
Dreaming of a Family?
Iris IVF Centre is Your Partner in Parenthood! Contact us today for a personalized consultation and begin your IVF journey!
The journey of getting pregnant may seem challenging initially, but it’s never too late to begin prepping to make it a reality. The idea is to be in a complete state of awareness and make conscious decisions that make a difference instead of taking over hordes of activities head-on without creating an understanding of your body. There isn’t an advisor better than the experts, so we always suggest seeking advice from your infertility specialist before getting into anything the outcome you are unsure of.